There’s nothing I love more than a dessert that’s easy to make, tastes delicious, and uses simple ingredients. And that’s exactly what this White Pear Cake recipe is all about. Originating from my grandmother’s old recipe book, this cake has a special place in my heart and my kitchen. The use of canned pears not only makes this recipe hassle-free but also lends a unique, fruity sweetness to the cake that’s simply divine. The white batter mix keeps things simple and easy, perfect for those sudden dessert cravings or unexpected guests. Sprinkled with a dusting of powdered sugar, every slice of this cake is a slice of heaven! Over the years, I’ve made this cake countless times and it’s always a big hit. It’s quick, it’s easy, and most importantly, it’s incredibly delicious. I can’t wait for you to try it out!
- 1 white batter cake mix
- 1 1 lb can pear halves, undrained
- 2 egg whites
- 1 whole egg
Baking Instructions
- High altitude:
- Add 1 tbsp flour and 1/4 C sugar.
Calorie: 200
Total cooking time: 45 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

The Epic Journey of the White Pear Cake
The Unforeseen Challenge
Alright, let’s get this out of the way. We’ve all had those moments in the kitchen when we’re like, “Oh, I’ve got this covered!” And then, BAM! The reality, in the form of an uncooperative ingredient or a stubborn recipe, slaps us in the face. That, my friends, is the story of my life while making the white pear cake. Yes, the quick, easy, and delicious recipe that turned into an exercise in patience and resilience.
The Preparation…or should I say, the Battle?
So, I started with the usual suspects – 1 white batter cake mix, 1 1lb can pear halves, undrained, 2 egg whites, and 1 whole egg. I mean, how complicated could it be, right? Oh boy, was I in for a surprise!
As I started to combine the white batter cake mix with the egg whites and egg, the batter decided to play hard to get. It clung to the whisk like a toddler to its favorite toy. I swear I could hear it giggling every time I tried to shake it off.
The High Altitude Twist
If you’re living a mile high, like me, you know that baking can be a bit tricky. “High altitude, add 1 tbsp flour and 1/4 C sugar,” the recipe said. Like a loyal soldier, I followed the command. Now, I’m not saying the recipe was wrong, but I’m pretty sure that extra flour and sugar turned my batter into a sticky, clingy mess with a sweet tooth!
The Pear Halves Debacle
Next in line were the pear halves. Who knew those innocent looking fruits could cause so much trouble? The recipe said undrained, but I swear those pears were having a pool party in there! So, there I was, trying to fish out pear halves from their sugary bath, while they slipped and slid like Olympic divers.
The Oven Showdown
With the batter finally ready (or so I thought), I preheated the oven, hoping that was the end of my ordeal. Oh, how wrong I was. The cake rose like a phoenix, threatening to overflow. My oven turned into a battlefield with the white pear cake trying to claim its territory.
The Sweet Victory
Despite the pear halves’ aquatic acrobatics and the batter’s sticky rebellion, I emerged victorious. The white pear cake was indeed quick, easy, and delicious… once it was done. The flavor was a delightful blend of sweet pears and fluffy cake, the texture light and airy.
So, my friends, that was the saga of the white pear cake. It was a journey of laughter, frustration, and ultimately, sweet success. And remember, even when your batter sticks and your pears dive, keep going. Because, at the end of the day, it’s all about the journey… and of course, the cake!