As a baking enthusiast, there’s nothing I love more than a good cookie recipe. And today, I’m sharing one of my absolute favorites with you – the California Cookie. These cookies are more than just a sweet treat; they represent a slice of the Golden State’s vibrant culture and diverse flavors. Packed with the sweet crunch of pecans, the exotic charm of coconut, and a zesty lemon twist, the California Cookie is the culinary embodiment of California’s sunny beaches, lush orchards, and vibrant spirit. I especially love how the hint of green food coloring gives these cookies a unique, eye-catching appeal that’s as visually delightful as it is delicious. Whether you’re a seasoned home baker or just starting your baking journey, this recipe is easy to follow, and the results are guaranteed to win you rave reviews. So, gather your ingredients, preheat your oven, and let’s embark on a golden culinary adventure with these delicious California Cookies!
- 1/2 cup butter/margarine
- 1 cup flour
- 2 Tbsp. sugar
- 1-1/2 cups brown sugar
- 1/2 cup coconut
- 1-1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. baking soda
- 1 cup chopped pecans
- 2 eggs
- 2 Tbsp. flour
- 1 Tbsp. vanilla
- 1-1/2 cups powdered sugar
- 2 Tbsp. lemon juice
- A few drops green food coloring
Baking Instructions
- Mix well and top after pan has cooled.
Calorie: 200
Total cooking time: 30 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

The Great California Cookie Caper
Picture this. You’re in your kitchen, armed with a battalion of ingredients and a mixing bowl that’s seen more action than a Hollywood superhero. You’re about to embark on a culinary journey with me, your trusty guide, through the treacherous terrain of cookie baking.
The Usual Suspects
On the kitchen counter, you have 1/2 cup of butter (or margarine if you’re feeling rebellious), 1 cup of flour, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. You’ve got the sweet stuff too: 1-1/2 cups brown sugar and a 1/2 cup coconut. I mean, we’re basically making dessert with a side of dessert here.
Don’t forget the 1-1/2 teaspoons of salt and the 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. These may seem like minor characters, but trust me, they’re the unsung heroes of this tale. And, of course, we can’t forget the 1 cup of chopped pecans. Those sneaky nuts always make a surprise appearance.
The Plot Thickens
Next up, we’ve got 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of flour, and 1 tablespoon of vanilla. These guys are like the cool sidekicks in every action movie. They might not be the stars, but they sure as heck make everything more interesting.
And, because we’re going all out, we have 1-1/2 cups of powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and a few drops of green food coloring. Yes, you heard that right. Green. It’s the California Cookie way.
The Twist in the Tale
Here’s where things get exciting. You’re going to mix all these ingredients together until they’re smoother than a 1970’s disco king. It’s going to be a sugary, buttery, pecan-filled rollercoaster ride. But, just when you think it’s all over, you’re going to let that pan cool down. That’s right. It’s a baking plot twist.
The Grand Finale
After the pan has cooled, you are going to top this glorious concoction with the most decadent of finishes. You’re going to slather on that green-tinted, lemony powdered sugar mixture like you’re icing the cake of victory. Because, my friend, that’s exactly what you’re doing.
The End… Or is it?
And there you have it. The California Cookies are ready to be devoured. But, as with any good story, there’s always room for a sequel. So, until our next culinary caper, keep your mixer close, your spatula closer, and never underestimate the power of the humble cookie.