You know, as a kid, one of my favorite things to play with was Play Doh. There was just something so satisfying about molding it into whatever my little heart desired. Now, as a parent, I understand the joy it brings to children and the endless hours of fun and creativity it offers. But did you know that Play Doh was originally created as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s? It’s true! It wasn’t until the mid-1950s that it was rebranded as the toy we know and love today. Now, I’m sure that like me, plenty of you parents out there have had moments of panic when you realize your little ones have been a bit too ‘creative’ with their Play Doh adventures. But worry no more! This homemade Play Doh recipe is non-toxic, super easy to make, and affordable. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to spend quality time with your kids. So, let’s dive into the world of DIY Play Doh!
- 1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
- 1/2 c. salt
- 1 Tbsp. alum
- 1 c. hot water
- 1 Tbsp. cooking oil
- food coloring
Play Doh Making
- Mix all together and slowly whisk into dry ingredients.
- Place mixture over medium-high heat and cook, stirring constantly until mixture thickens and loses its wet look.
- Pour out on countertop or board and knead until of even consistency.
Calorie: 0
Total cooking time: 15 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

The Unintentional Gourmet’s Guide to Play Doh Creation
The Gathering of the Ingredients
So, there I was, standing in the middle of my kitchen, armed with an apron and a sense of dread. My mission: to create Play Doh. The players: 1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour, 1/2 c. of salt, 1 Tbsp. of alum, 1 c. of hot water, 1 Tbsp. of cooking oil, and food coloring. The flour and salt, the usual suspects in my baking endeavors, sat innocently on the counter. The cooking oil was just chillin’ next to them, oblivious to the chaos that was about to ensue. And the food coloring? Well, it just sat there, looking dangerously vibrant.
The Mixing Mayhem
The recipe said to mix everything together. Easy enough, right? Wrong! I realized I was in over my head when I found myself wielding a whisk like a sword, battling the stubborn clumps of flour and salt. The alum just sat there, laughing at my plight. As for the hot water and cooking oil, they decided to throw a pool party without inviting the dry ingredients. But, I soldiered on, my whisk and I slowly convincing the wet and dry ingredients to mingle.
The Stove-top Shenanigans
Next, the recipe demanded that I place the mixture over medium-high heat and cook, stirring constantly until it thickened and lost its wet look. I have to admit, it was amusing watching my rainbow-colored concoction transform from a loose, wet mess to a solid, well… Play Doh. It was like witnessing a fashion makeover on a reality TV show!
The Kneading Nightmare
Then came the kneading. Oh, the kneading! I was convinced my countertop was laughing at me. There I was, kneading and kneading, getting flour, salt, alum, and food coloring all over myself. I mean, who needs a gym membership when you can knead Play Doh, right? But eventually, the dough came together, reaching an even consistency that was oddly satisfying.
The Final Product Fiasco
Finally, I had it. A beautiful, colorful blob of homemade Play Doh. I must say, despite the chaos, the flour on my nose, the food coloring stains on my hands, and the aching arms, it was worth it. I mean, who else can say they’ve battled with flour, salt, alum, water, cooking oil, and food coloring to create something so… squishy and fun?
The Unconventional Conclusion
So, my dear friends, this is the tale of my Play Doh making. It was an experience filled with laughter, frustration, a minor existential crisis, and a newfound respect for all the preschool teachers out there! And let’s not forget the unexpected workout bonus. So, if you’re ever feeling adventurous, or just need a good laugh, I highly recommend giving this a whirl. Just remember, the flour is not your enemy, it’s just misunderstood. Happy Play Doh creating!