I must confess, I am a Peanut Butter lover through and through, and there’s nothing I love more than incorporating it into my desserts. One of my absolute favorites is this Peanut Butter Pie. It’s a recipe I’ve been perfecting over the years, and I think it’s finally hit the sweet spot (pun totally intended!). This pie is the perfect blend of sweet and salty, creamy and crisp. The filling is rich and smooth, with the distinct taste of peanut butter shining through. The crust is a classic, crisp pie crust that serves as the perfect base. It’s a dessert that’s comforting and familiar, yet feels a little indulgent. It’s perfect for gatherings, holidays, or just a regular Tuesday night when you need a sweet treat. Baking this pie is a breeze and I’ll walk you through it step-by-step in this blog post. So, let’s get baking!
- 2 eggs
- 1 c. corn syrup
- 1/2 c. peanut butter
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 1 unbaked 8-inch pie crust
Baking Instructions
- Beat eggs.
- Mix eggs, corn syrup, sugar, peanut butter and vanilla together.
- Pour into unbaked pie crust.
- Bake at 350° for 45 to 60 minutes, until top is brown and crisp.
Calorie: 450
Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

Welcome to My Kitchen Chaos: The Peanut Butter Pie Spectacle
Hello, fellow foodies! Today, I’m going to take you on a wild ride through my kitchen, where we’ll tackle something truly spectacular – a Peanut Butter Pie. It’s a heartwarming tale of eggs, corn syrup, peanut butter, a dash of vanilla, and a crust that was just asking for it. So, buckle up, buttercup! It’s going to be one delicious mess.
First Things First: Meet the Cast of Ingredients
Now, every good story starts with a great cast. In the case of our Peanut Butter Pie, it’s a quirky ensemble of 2 eggs, 1 cup of corn syrup, 1/2 cup of peanut butter – creamy, not crunchy, because we’re not savages – a teaspoon of vanilla, and an unbaked 8-inch pie crust. And yes, the crust is unbaked. I learned that the hard way when I once attempted to make a pie with a pre-baked crust. Let’s just say it was a crispy catastrophe I’d rather not repeat.
The Great Egg Beat Down
Our journey begins with beating the eggs. I don’t know who wronged these eggs in their past life, but they’re about to get a thorough whisking. I always find this part oddly satisfying. It’s like getting out all your day’s frustrations on two innocent eggs. Just remember, we’re making pie, not scrambled eggs – so don’t get too carried away!
The Mixing Bowl Jamboree
Once the eggs have been properly beaten, it’s time for the kitchen mixer’s grand performance. Into the bowl go the eggs, corn syrup, sugar, peanut butter, and vanilla. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “That’s a lot of sticky stuff. Am I ever going to get that bowl clean again?” Well, let me tell you, my friends, that’s a problem for future you!
The Crust Conundrum
The next step is pouring our sticky concoction into the unbaked pie crust. At this point, the crust decided to live its own life and started crumbling. After a wrestling match that would put WWE to shame, I managed to pour the mixture in. Let’s say the crust and I are not on speaking terms right now.
The Oven Showdown
Now comes the suspenseful part – baking the pie at 350° for 45 to 60 minutes. It’s like a reality show, where you’re anxiously watching the oven door, waiting for the top to turn brown and crisp. And spoiler alert, the crust might try to make a break for it halfway through, but don’t worry, it’s all part of the drama!
The Aftermath: A Slice of Heaven
After a roller coaster of emotions (and a few choice words), the pie was finally done. And let me tell you, the sight of that golden-brown, slightly rebellious crust, filled with peanut butter goodness, was worth every minute of chaos.
So, there you have it, my friends. The story of the Peanut Butter Pie spectacle. It was messy, it was challenging, but above all, it was delicious. Now excuse me, while I go and negotiate peace with the crust for our next baking spree!