There’s nothing quite like a classic egg salad, especially when it’s a recipe straight from Loris’s kitchen. A staple in many households, egg salad has been loved for generations for its simplicity, versatility, and downright deliciousness. I’ve always had a soft spot for egg salad. It’s one of those dishes that remind me of home, of lazy Sunday afternoons, and of the joy of enjoying good food with loved ones. Loris’s egg salad stands out for its perfect blend of flavors and textures, thanks to the addition of pimento, chopped sweet gherkin pickle, chopped onion, and green pepper. It’s creamy, tangy, and just a little bit crunchy – an absolute treat for the taste buds! Making this egg salad couldn’t be easier. You’ll love how quickly it comes together, and even more, you’ll love how it tastes. Whether you’re making sandwiches for lunch, prepping a quick snack, or looking for a simple dish to bring to a potluck, this egg salad is a fantastic choice. I can’t wait for you to try it!
- 6 hard-boiled eggs
- 1 small jar pimento
- 1/3 c. Miracle Whip
- 1 chopped sweet gherkin pickle
- 1/4 c. chopped onion
- 1/4 c. chopped green pepper
- 1 tsp. salt
- dash of paprika
Salad Preparation
- With a potato masher, mix eggs, onion, pepper and pickle. Stir in mayonnaise.
- Add drained pimentos and seasonings.
- Chill and serve.
Calorie: 200
Total cooking time: 15 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

The Egg-ceptional Journey to Loris’s Egg Salad
Have you ever tried to make a dish, knowing that you’re totally out of your depth? Well, that’s exactly how I felt making Loris’s Egg Salad for the first time. The recipe seemed simple enough, starring six hard-boiled eggs, a small jar of pimento, and a healthy dollop of Miracle Whip. Little did I know, I was about to embark on an egg-straordinary journey.
The Preparation: When Eggs Meet Potato Masher
There I was, in my humble kitchen, staring at the six hard-boiled eggs, the potato masher in my hand. It seemed pretty straightforward: mash the eggs, onion, green pepper, and sweet gherkin pickle. I mean, how hard could it be? Famous last words, my friends.
I went at it with all the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. The eggs, however, had a plan of their own. I’d smash one, and two would roll away, like a great game of egg hide-and-seek. But in the end, persistence (and a bit of foul language) won the day. I had a bowl of mashed eggs, onion, green pepper, and sweet gherkin pickle. I was feeling pretty smug until I realized the next step: the Miracle Whip.
The Miracle Whip Conundrum
Miracle Whip, some say it’s the nectar of the gods, others say it’s just fancy mayonnaise. I say, it’s a slippery devil that’s hard to measure. Have you ever tried to get exactly 1/3 cup of Miracle Whip? It’s like trying to herd cats, but messier.
I eventually managed to wrangle enough of the stuff into my egg mixture, but not without a few hilarious mishaps. I’m pretty sure I wore more Miracle Whip than I actually put into the recipe. But hey, who’s counting?
Pimento, the Unsung Hero
Next, the recipe called for the addition of pimento, drained and added to the mix. The humble pimento, often overlooked, yet it adds a pop of color and sweetness that can’t be beaten. I must confess, this was my first encounter with the pimento. I drained the small jar and tossed them into the mix, hoping they wouldn’t stage a coup like the eggs.
Seasoning and Chilling: The Final Showdown
Finally, it was time to add the seasonings: a teaspoon of salt and a dash of paprika. I’ve always found the term ‘dash’ to be somewhat vague. What exactly is a dash? Is it a sprint, a jog, or a marathon? After some debate with myself (and a brief consultation with Google), I decided on a hearty shake of the paprika bottle.
Once everything was mixed, I popped it in the fridge to chill. This, my friends, was the true test of patience. The wait. The anticipation. The constant opening of the fridge door to check if it was ready.
The Moment of Truth: Tasting Loris’s Egg Salad
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, it was time to taste Loris’s Egg Salad. I took a big spoonful, closed my eyes, and took a bite. The result? A symphony of flavors. The crunch of the onion, the sweetness of the pimento and pickle, the creaminess of the Miracle Whip, all rounded out by the humble hard-boiled egg. It was fantastic.
In conclusion, cooking is not just about following a recipe. It’s about the mishaps, the egg-straordinary journeys, and the laughs you share with yourself along the way. So, grab your potato masher, your Miracle Whip, and your sense of humor, and get cooking!