I absolutely adore a good Sausage Strata. It’s one of those dishes that feels like a warm, comforting hug in the form of food. Originating from the Italian word ‘strato’, which means ‘layers’, a strata is essentially a savory bread pudding, consisting of layers of bread, cheese, and in this case, delicious sausage. It’s a staple in American brunches and breakfasts, and for good reason. The combination of hearty sausage, creamy cheese, and fluffy bread soaked in a savory custard is simply irresistible. As a lover of all things breakfast, I often find myself gravitating towards this recipe when I’m seeking a meal that’s satisfying and comforting. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to use up leftover bread! While this recipe calls for Swiss cheese, feel free to experiment with different types like cheddar or gouda. And the best part? This Sausage Strata can be prepared ahead of time, making it perfect for those busy mornings. Join me in discovering the joy of cooking this delightful dish and let’s make mornings even more delicious!
- 6 slices bread (crusts removed)
- 1 1/2 lb. sausage
- 1 c. Swiss cheese, grated
- 4 eggs, slightly beaten
- 1 1/2 c. milk
- 3/4 c. light cream
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- dash of pepper
- dash of nutmeg
- 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Baking Instructions
- Arrange bread in bottom of greased baking dish (10 x 6-inch). Brown sausage and drain off fat.
- Spoon sausage evenly over bread. Sprinkle with cheese.
- Combine remaining ingredients and pour over all.
- Bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes.
- Can be made ahead and refrigerated until needed.
- If so, bake for 30 to 35 minutes.
Calorie: 600
Total cooking time: 1 hour
Difficulty level: Easy

The Great Sausage Strata Saga
Well, well, well. If it isn’t you again, my faithful fellow foodie. Today I present to you a tale of bread, sausage, and Swiss cheese. A tale of eggs, milk, light cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and Worcestershire sauce. A tale… of Sausage Strata.
Prep Time: The Breadcrumb Chronicles
Picture this: It’s a sunny afternoon, and I’m standing in my kitchen with a loaf of bread, praying to the culinary gods that my crust-removing skills are up to par. “Six slices,” I tell myself. “How hard could it be?” Spoiler alert: harder than I thought. I almost lost a thumb to the bread knife and created enough crumbs to feed a flock of pigeons for a year. But, like a true kitchen warrior, I persevered.
Meet The Sausage: A Meaty Encounter
Next up: browning 1 1/2 lb. of sausage. Now, I have to confess, I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with sausages. I love eating them, but cooking them? Let’s just say it’s a sizzling, popping, grease-spattering battle. But as the aroma filled my kitchen, I decided it was worth the minor burns and the temporary loss of my eyebrows.
Cheese, Please: The Swiss Cheese Conundrum
After wrestling with the sausage, it was time to sprinkle some Swiss cheese on this culinary masterpiece. This should be simple, right? Wrong. As I reached into my fridge, I realized my Swiss cheese had gone on a vacation to Moldyville. Cue the dramatic music! After a mad dash to the store, Swiss cheese was back in the game.
The Pour Decision: A Liquid Tale
And then it was time to combine the remaining ingredients. Eggs, milk, light cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and Worcestershire sauce. Sounds easy, right? Except when you’re trying to crack eggs with one hand and pour milk with the other. Let’s just say it was a messy ballet of flying eggshells and spilled milk. But hey, who doesn’t love a little chaos in the kitchen?
Into the Oven: A Heated Situation
Finally, everything was ready to go into the oven. I cranked it up to 350°, set the timer for 25 to 30 minutes, and hoped for the best. As I watched my strata bake, I reflected on the journey. The breadcrumbs, the sausage skirmish, the Swiss cheese crisis, the liquid debacle. It was all part of the fun.
The Grand Finale: A Taste of Triumph
When the timer dinged, I pulled out my Sausage Strata, its aroma filling the air, the cheese perfectly melted. It was a sight to behold, a testament to my culinary prowess (and endurance). And let me tell you, it tasted every bit as good as it looked.
So there you have it, my friends. The saga of the Sausage Strata. It wasn’t always pretty, but it was definitely delicious. Until next time, keep your bread crust-free, your cheese mold-free, and your kitchen chaos-filled. Bon appétit!