Hello, fellow food lovers! Today, I’m super excited to share with you a recipe that holds a special place in my heart – Ginny’s Salad. This isn’t your ordinary salad. It’s a delightful combination of red leaf lettuce, shredded mozzarella cheese, and chopped walnuts, all tossed together with Good Seasons Italian dressing. The result? An explosion of flavours and textures that will leave you craving for more. But what makes Ginny’s Salad so special? It’s not just about the ingredients, but also the love and care that goes into preparing each bowl. This salad is a testament to the belief that good food doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple ingredients, when combined with love and passion, can create something truly extraordinary. And the best part? It’s super easy to make! Whether you’re a novice in the kitchen or a seasoned home cook, you’ll love how effortless it is to prepare Ginny’s Salad. So, get your ingredients ready and let’s start tossing!
- 3 to 4 bunches red leaf lettuce
- 12 oz. shredded Mozzarella cheese
- 6 to 8 oz. chopped walnuts
- 2 pkg. Good Seasons Italian dressing, mixed according to directions
Salad Assembly
- Wash, dry and break lettuce into bite size pieces.
- Toss in cheese and walnuts.
- Mix with dressing prior to serving.
Calorie: 320
Total cooking time: 10 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

A Tale of Lettuce and Love: Preparing Ginny’s Salad
The Backstory
So, there I was, standing in my kitchen, the battlefield of culinary creations, armed with my trusty apron and my secret weapon – the recipe for Ginny’s Salad. This isn’t just any salad, my friends. No, this is a salad of mythical proportions. I’d go as far as to say it’s the Excalibur of salads. The kind of salad that could unite a kingdom. Or, at least, unite a family at a summer barbecue.
The Ingredients
The recipe is deceptively simple. You’ll need 3 to 4 bunches of red leaf lettuce. Not green, not purple, but red. Why red? Well, as Ginny used to say, “Red lettuce makes it prettier, and pretty food tastes better.” Then you need 12 oz. of shredded Mozzarella cheese. That right, Mozzarella. Not Cheddar, not Swiss, not even Provolone. Mozzarella. Because nothing says “I love you” like a heap of Mozzarella cheese.
Next, you’ll need 6 to 8 oz. of chopped walnuts. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Walnuts? In a salad? But trust me, it’s like adding a bit of crunch to your day. It’s like the little unexpected high-five from a friend. And finally, 2 packages of Good Seasons Italian dressing, mixed according to directions. Because nothing can beat the classic taste of Italian dressing.
The Making of a Masterpiece
Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, it’s time to get down to business. You start with the lettuce. Washing, drying, and breaking it into bite size pieces. This is a task of utmost patience and perseverance. But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is Ginny’s Salad.
Once your lettuce is ready, it’s time for the cheese. Oh, the Mozzarella cheese. You toss it into the salad like you’re a world-renowned chef adding the final touch to your masterpiece. But we’re not done yet.
Then come the walnuts. The chopped walnuts, my friends, are not merely an ingredient. They’re a statement. You’re saying, “I’m not just healthy, I’m also fun.” Adding walnuts to your salad is like adding a plot twist to a movie. It’s unexpected, it’s delightful, and it takes everything to a whole new level.
And finally, the Italian dressing. The pièce de résistance. You don’t just pour it. No, you mix it in with love and care, ensuring every bite of the salad gets a taste of its tangy goodness.
The Moment of Truth
And then, just like that, it’s ready. Ginny’s Salad. A salad that’s not just about lettuce and cheese and walnuts. It’s about love, it’s about family, and it’s about the sheer joy of creating something with your own two hands. So, the next time you’re standing in your kitchen, wondering what to prepare, remember Ginny’s Salad. And remember, my friends, the secret ingredient in any recipe is always a dash of love and a sprinkle of laughter.