Shepherd’s Pie, a dish of humble origins, has become a staple in the world of comfort food. This hearty meal, originally from the United Kingdom, is a delicious combination of ground meat and vegetables, topped with a layer of creamy mashed potatoes, then baked to perfection. While the name might suggest that it is a pie, it’s actually a savory casserole that got its name because it was often made with mutton, a meat traditionally associated with shepherds. Over the years, this dish has evolved and has been adapted by various cultures, but the essence of it remains the same. In our recipe, we’ll be using hamburg, onions, and a generous topping of mashed potatoes. We’ll guide you through each step to ensure you end up with a Shepherd’s Pie that’s golden and crispy on top, yet soft and flavorful inside. Whether served as a main dish during the colder months or as a satisfying side during a festive holiday meal, Shepherd’s Pie is always a crowd-pleaser. Aside from its delicious taste, another great thing about this recipe is its versatility. You can easily substitute the meat for a vegetarian alternative or add in some of your favorite vegetables.
- 1 lb. hamburg
- 1/4 c. chopped onion
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/8 tsp. pepper
- 1 c. mashed potatoes
Baking Instructions
- Fry hamburg and onion until brown.
- Drain off liquid.
- Add salt and pepper.
- Spoon into 1-quart casserole and place potatoes on top.
- Put butter and paprika over potatoes.
- Bake in a 425° oven for 15 minutes.
Calorie: 400
Total cooking time:30 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

A Humorous Tale of Shepherd’s Pie
The Beginning: Burgers Gone Rogue
Okay folks, let’s get something straight. I absolutely love hamburgers. They’re part of my culinary DNA. But sometimes, even I need a break from the familiar bun-and-patty combo. So, what’s a hamburg lover to do? Well, in my case, I decided to give my beloved hamburg a makeover. Yes, you heard it right. I, your humble food blogger, embarked on a mission to transform my hamburg into a Shepherd’s Pie. Now that’s a plot twist you didn’t see coming, did you?
The Cast: A Motley Crew of Ingredients
So, who are the stars of this show? We’ve got 1 lb. of top-quality hamburg, of course. Then there’s the 1/4 c. chopped onion – a humble yet vital player. Add a dash of 1/4 tsp. salt and 1/8 tsp. pepper for some much-needed sassiness. And finally, the 1 c. mashed potatoes, the fluffy crown atop our gastronomic masterpiece.
The Plot Thickens: Heat, Sizzle, and Pop
Now, onto the action. I started by frying the hamburg and onion until they turned a beautiful shade of brown. It was like watching a slow dance of flavors in my pan, the onion getting all mushy in the hamburg’s arms. I have to admit, I did get a bit teary-eyed. Onion fumes, you know? I quickly drained off the liquid, a process I like to call, “The Great Hamburg Flood Relief.”
The Twist: Seasoning, Layering, and Baking
Next, I added the salt and pepper, transforming my pan from a dance floor into a rave. Then, I spooned this flavorful concoction into a 1-quart casserole. It felt like tucking in a child into bed. A very oily, edible child. I placed the mashed potatoes on top, like a cozy blanket of starchy goodness. After dotting butter and sprinkling paprika over the potatoes, I realized I’d created a food version of a Himalayan sunset. Simply majestic!
I popped this ensemble into a 425° oven and anxiously waited for 15 minutes. Let me tell you, those were the longest 15 minutes of my life. I swear I could hear the oven ticking louder than my heartbeat!
The Finale: A Pie to Remember
And then… the pie was ready. A golden crust of potatoes with a heart of hamburg and onion – it was a sight to behold. The first bite was an explosion of flavors, a party where everyone was invited. I had successfully transformed my beloved hamburg into a Shepherd’s Pie. It was like discovering your favorite action hero could also do ballet.
So, there you have it, my humorous, slightly chaotic journey of making Shepherd’s Pie. Remember, whether it’s a hamburg or a pie, the secret ingredient is always a pinch of humor and a whole lot of love.
And to all the hamburgs out there, don’t worry. I promise to return to the classic bun-and-patty combo soon. After all, a hamburg lover’s gotta do what a hamburg lover’s gotta do!