If you’re like me, you know that food is not just about filling your belly. It’s about comfort, it’s about treating your taste buds, and most of all, it’s about love. And there’s no dish that screams comfort, taste, and love more than Chili Spaghetti. It’s the perfect fusion of two all-time favorites – chili and spaghetti, merged into one hearty, satisfying, and delicious meal. This dish has a rich history, originating from a fusion of Italian and Mexican cuisine. It’s a popular dish in the Midwest, especially in Cincinnati, where it’s known as Cincinnati Chili. This recipe stands out with its unique addition of mango – a hint of sweetness to balance the spicy chili. And don’t worry if you’re new to cooking. This recipe is simple to prepare, yet the results are absolutely mouthwatering. The best part? You can prepare it in less than an hour! So, if you’re in for a night of comfort food that’s easy to prepare, hearty, and absolutely delicious, this Chili Spaghetti recipe is for you.
- 1 1/2 lb. hamburger
- 1 mango, chopped (green pepper)
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 cans tomato sauce
- dash of chili powder
Cooking Method
- Fry mango and onion with piece of butter, then brown ground beef in same skillet.
- Pour tomato sauce and chili powder in.
- Let simmer together about 20 minutes.
Calorie: 600
Total cooking time: 45 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

It All Started at the Supermarket
It was a typical Sunday afternoon, the kind where you’re torn between wanting to do something productive but also wanting to remain in your pajamas all day. So, naturally, I decided to do something productive in my pajamas. Off to the supermarket I went, grocery list in hand, ready to tackle my mission: Chili Spaghetti.
The Curious Case of the Green Mango
I arrived at the produce section, searching for the first item on my list: one green mango. Now, you might be wondering why a mango in a Chili Spaghetti recipe? Well, we’re all about breaking the norms here! Plus, I ran out of green peppers. The mango was like the undercover agent, blending in with the rest of the ingredients. No one would suspect a thing.
The Onion: A Tearful Encounter
Next, I moved onto the onions. Now, I’m not usually a sentimental guy, but something about chopping onions just brings a tear to my eye. You know what they say, only real men cry while chopping onions. It’s a sorrowful moment, but I have to remind myself that it’s all for the greater good – the Chili Spaghetti.
The Hamburger Episode
Then came the hamburger. The star of the show, the main attraction, the big cheese. I took my 1 1/2 lbs. of hamburger and began to brown it in the same skillet as my undercover mango and tearful onion. The aroma filled the kitchen and, for a moment, I felt like I was on one of those fancy cooking shows. Maybe I missed my calling?
The Tomato Sauce Twist
Once the hamburger was nicely browned, it was time for the tomato sauce. As I poured in the three cans of tomato sauce, I realized something… this was starting to look like actual food! It was a revelation! All the while, the chili powder was sitting in the corner, waiting for its grand entrance.
Chili Powder to the Rescue
There’s nothing like a dash of chili powder to spice things up. As I added the chili powder, the smell of the simmering mixture was almost too good to resist. But resist I did, for another 20 minutes, because patience is a virtue, and I wasn’t about to let my anticipation ruin the Chili Spaghetti.
The Final Countdown
As those 20 minutes ticked by, I had plenty of time to reflect. Reflect on how perhaps, just maybe, my cooking skills weren’t as disastrous as I initially thought. I mean, not everyone can successfully replace a green pepper with a mango, right?
The Tasting: Moment of Truth
Finally, the moment of truth arrived. The first bite was…surprisingly good! The sweetness of the mango added a unique twist to the dish and the chili powder gave it the perfect amount of kick. It was a triumphant moment, a culinary victory. I mean, Gordon Ramsay, who?
So, there you have it, folks. My Chili Spaghetti escapade. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, a symphony of flavors, and a testament to my enduring spirit (and stomach). Remember, cooking isn’t just about following recipes, it’s about being brave enough to replace green peppers with mangos.