Who doesn’t love a delicious, refreshing punch, especially when it’s a crowd-pleaser like Becky’s Punch? This delightful concoction, named after my dear friend Becky, has been a staple at our gatherings for as long as I can remember. With its tantalizing blend of cherry, pineapple, and lemonade, it’s no wonder why it’s always the first drink to go at our parties. Not only is Becky’s Punch incredibly tasty, but it’s also super easy to make. You’ll only need a few simple ingredients that you can easily find at your local grocery store. What I love the most about this recipe is its versatility. It can be a perfect companion for a hot, sunny day or the star of your holiday party. Moreover, it’s so easy to scale up or down depending on the size of your gathering. In this blog post, I will share with you the secret to making the perfect Becky’s Punch. So, let’s get started!
- 1 pkg. black cherry or cherry Kool-Aid
- 1 small box Jell-O (same flavor)
- 2 qts. warm water
- 1 can pineapple juice
- 1 can frozen lemonade
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 liters 7-up
Mixing Steps
- Mix the Kool-Aid, Jell-O, and water together.
- Add sugar, lemonade, and pineapple juice.
- Stir well and freeze.
- Thaw one hour before serving and add 2 liters of soda.
Calorie: 200
Total cooking time: 2 hours
Difficulty level: Easy

The Epic Saga of the Becky’s Punch
Ladies and gents! I present to you the dramatic tale of my recent quest to prepare the legendary beverage – Becky’s Punch. It’s a saga filled with black cherry, water, pineapple juice, frozen lemonade, and sugar. Yes, you heard right. Buckle up, buttercup.
A Mysterious Package Arrives
One fine morning, a mysterious package arrived at my door. Inside was 1 pkg. of black cherry Kool-Aid. I could’ve sworn I heard a choir of angels singing as I held the package aloft. Or maybe it was just my neighbor’s annoying cat screeching. Either way, the Kool-Aid was mine!
The Battle of the Jell-O Box
Next, I grappled with a small box of Jell-O. The same flavor as the Kool-Aid, mind you. It was like wrestling a gelatinous beast from the deep. But fear not, dear reader, for I emerged victorious. In went the Jell-O into 2 qts. of warm water, hand-to-hand combat with the Kool-Aid.
The Sugar and Juice Showdown
Then came the sugar. A whole cup of it. As I added it, I couldn’t help but feel like a mad scientist, cackling with glee. Next, I introduced pineapple juice and frozen lemonade to the mix. They didn’t get along at first, squabbling like siblings on a long car drive. But like any good parent, I told them to play nice, and stirred well.
The Great Freeze
After the stirring, I banished the mixture to the depths of my freezer. It was a harsh but necessary act. The punch had to learn the value of patience. And I, the joy of a frostbite-free finger.
The Thawing and the Fizz
An hour before serving, I showed mercy and released the punch from its icy prison. It emerged, transformed and ready to take on its final form. The time had come to add the 2 liters of 7-up. As I poured, I could almost hear the hiss of the soda whispering, “We’re not in Kansas anymore.”
The Moment of Truth
And there it was. The Becky’s Punch in all its glory. As I took a sip, I felt a shiver of delight run down my spine. Or maybe it was a sugar rush. Either way, the punch was a hit!
The Aftermath
So, there you have it, folks. The epic saga of preparing Becky’s Punch. It’s a tale of courage, resilience, and a little bit of madness. But remember, the punch isn’t just a drink. It’s a journey. A journey of black cherry, water, pineapple juice, frozen lemonade, and sugar. And it is definitely worth the trip.
So, next time you’re feeling brave, why not try your hand at this legendary concoction? Just remember to keep your wits about you. After all, in the words of the great Julia Child, “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking, you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”