There’s something incredibly refreshing about a good salad, and this Apple Salad is no exception. I fell in love with this dish the first time I tasted it, and I’ve been hooked ever since. The combination of sweet, tangy, and crunchy elements creates a delightful symphony of flavors that’s simply irresistible. The history of this Apple Salad is as rich and varied as its flavors. It’s believed to have originated from the kitchens of the American Midwest, where apples are abundant. Over the years, this humble dish has traveled across the globe, earning a cherished spot in many families’ recipe boxes. What sets this salad apart is its unique blend of ingredients. The sweetness of the apples, coupled with the tangy pineapple and the crunch of the nuts or raisins, creates a balance that’s hard to resist. Plus, the addition of marshmallows gives it an unexpected yet delightful twist. One of the things I love about this Apple Salad is how versatile it is. It’s perfect as a light lunch, a side dish, or even a dessert. And the best part? It’s so easy to make! With just a few ingredients and a little bit of time, you can whip up this delicious salad in no time. So why not give this Apple Salad a try? I promise you, it’s a dish you’ll keep coming back to.
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1 1/2 Tbsp. cornstarch
- 1 small can crushed pineapple (do not drain)
- 1 c. sugar
- 1/4 stick butter or margarine
- 6 medium-size apples, cubed
- 1 cup of marshmallows
- Nuts or raisins (optional)
Salad Preparation
- Mix all ingredients together.
- Cook until thick (approximately 7 minutes in microwave).
- Pour over 6 medium-size apples, cubed, and 1 cup of marshmallows.
- Let cool.
- Add nuts or raisins, if desired.
Calorie: 250
Total cooking time: 20 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

An Epic Tale of the Apple Salad Chronicles
Welcome to another culinary escapade of mine, where mishaps are as plentiful as the ingredients, and the kitchen ends up looking like a crime scene. Today’s challenge? A simple, yet deceptive, Apple Salad.
The Humble Beginnings: Gathering the Troops
It starts off innocently enough, just a couple of beaten eggs. They’ll put up a fight, but you’ll win eventually. Then, you add to these 1 1/2 Tbsp. of cornstarch. It’s a white, powdery substance that makes you question whether you’re cooking or recreating a scene from Narcos.
Next, you yank open a small can of crushed pineapple, and yes, DO NOT drain it. That juice is as precious as the tears of a unicorn, my friend. Then, there’s 1 c. of sugar, which is basically the sweet kiss of life for this recipe. And finally, the unsung hero, 1/4 stick of butter or margarine. I know, I know, you’re thinking, “That’s it?” Trust me, it’s enough. This buttery bad boy is here to give the salad a creamy hug.
The Battle: Mixing and Cooking
Now that you have all your soldiers lined up, it’s time to mix them all together. Grab a bowl and start stirring like your life depends on it. You will feel like a witch brewing a potion, minus the cackling and the warts.
Then comes the most nerve-wracking part. You have to cook this mixture until it thickens. That’s about 7 minutes in your friendly neighborhood microwave. Keep an eye on it, though. You don’t want it to turn into a lava flow.
The Aftermath: Pouring and Cooling
Once you’ve successfully avoided creating a volcanic eruption in your microwave, it’s time to pour this mixture over 6 medium-sized apples, cubed, and 1 cup of marshmallows. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Marshmallows? In a salad?” Yes, my friend, this is not a drill. This salad is literally going to be the sweetest thing you’ve ever eaten.
Let this concoction cool down. It’s been through a lot, and it needs a moment.
The Final Touch: Adding the Goodies
This is the part where you can really let your personality shine. If you’re a nutty person, throw in some nuts. If you’re a little bit of a raisin in the sun, add some raisins. It’s your salad, your rules.
The Verdict: The Delicious Conclusion
And there you have it! A sweet, delightful apple salad that not only tastes like a dream but also tells the tale of a thrilling culinary journey. Well, it’s more like a rollercoaster ride, but who’s keeping track?
So, gather your ingredients and get ready to cook up a storm, or in this case, a salad. Believe me, it’s way more exciting than it sounds. Cooking is all about having fun, making a mess, and eating something delicious at the end of it all.
And remember, eggs aren’t just for breakfast, cornstarch isn’t just for thickening sauces, and pineapple isn’t just for controversial pizza toppings. You never know what you can create until you try. So, try this recipe and let me know if your kitchen survived the experience.