If there’s one thing I love about French cuisine, it’s their knack for turning simple ingredients into something truly extraordinary. Take this French Potato Soup, for example. It’s a humble dish, crafted from everyday ingredients like potatoes, onions, and evaporated milk, yet it manages to encapsulate everything I love about comfort food. It’s warming, hearty, and incredibly satisfying, especially on those chilly days when all you crave is a bowl of something hot and nourishing. This recipe has a special place in my heart, as it’s a dish my grandmother used to make for me when I was a child. Every time I cook it, I’m reminded of those cozy afternoons spent in her kitchen, watching as she expertly peeled and chopped the potatoes, her hands moving with the kind of confidence and skill that only comes from years of practice. What I love about this soup is its simplicity. It doesn’t require any fancy ingredients or complex cooking techniques. All you need is a handful of good-quality potatoes, a small onion, a stick of margarine, a can of evaporated milk, and a pinch of salt and pepper. The result is a soup that’s rich, creamy, and packed with flavor, with a subtle sweetness from the onions and a velvety texture from the potatoes. So, if you’re looking for a simple, delicious, and comforting dish to warm you up this season, why not give this French Potato Soup a try? I promise, you won’t be disappointed!
- 6 to 8 large red potatoes
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 1 stick Parkay margarine
- 1 can evaporated milk
- salt and pepper to taste
Cooking Method
- Peel and cut potatoes into bite size pieces.
- In large pan, put enough water to first cover potatoes.
- Cook until done.
- Add milk, salt and pepper.
- In small skillet, lightly saute onions in melted Parkay.
- Add to potato mixture and simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring often.
Calorie: 250
Total cooking time: 45 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

The Great Potato Soup Escapade
Alright, folks, gather around! I’m about to share the tale of my culinary journey into the land of French Potato Soup. I mean, who knew that the humble potato could transform into something so magical, so comforting, so… French?
The Ingredients – Our Brave Heroes
Our story starts with our brave heroes: 6 to 8 large red potatoes, 1 small onion (finely chopped, of course), 1 stick Parkay margarine (the secret weapon), 1 can evaporated milk (it’s not exactly the same as ‘disappeared milk’, just so you know), and salt and pepper, because even though they’re small, they’re mighty.
Peeling Potatoes – A Test of Patience
The first step is to peel and cut the potatoes into bite-size pieces. This is a delicate operation, my friends. A test of patience, endurance, and the sharpness of your peeler. You’ll find yourself developing a profound relationship with each tuber. Each red potato will reveal its own unique personality. Some will be smooth and easy going, others will be tough and knobbly. Don’t let them break you. You’re the chef here!
The Boiling Battle
Once your potatoes are peeled and ready, it’s time for the real excitement – the boiling battle. In a large pan, put enough water to first cover your potatoes. Watch as they bob and float, completely unaware of the transformation they’re about to undergo. Cook them until they’re done. How will you know they’re done? Well, trial and error my friend. Poke them every now and then with a fork. If the fork enters without resistance, you’ve won the battle.
Milk, Salt, and Pepper – The Trio of Taste
Next, it’s time to add the milk, salt, and pepper. Remember, the key here is balance. Too much salt, and you’ll feel like you’re drinking seawater. Too little, and you’ll wonder if you’re eating cloud fluff. And the pepper? It’s there to add a little kick, a little surprise. Life’s too short to have boring soup, right?
The Onion and Parkay Margarine Show
While your potatoes are simmering in their milky bath, it’s time for the onion and Parkay margarine show. In a small skillet, lightly sauté the onions in the melted Parkay. Ah, the sizzle, the aroma! It’s a mini performance in your kitchen. Once they’re golden and fragrant, add them to the potato mixture.
The Final Simmer – The Climax
Now, you simmer the whole lot for about 20 minutes, stirring often. This is the climax of our tale. The moment when all the flavors come together, have a little chat, and decide to become the best version of themselves – the French Potato Soup.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this little journey into the world of soup-making. Remember, every cooking experience is a story. And every story, no matter how small, has the potential to be a grand tale. Especially if it involves red potatoes and Parkay margarine.